Wednesday 18 April 2012

through the fire and rain

If you hadn't already guessed, it's been raining today. In fact, it's been so heavy and so lengthy that I even looked at the #UKrain hashtag on Twitter (PS: I'm on there too, @rachelizabethxo). Sad times.

I didn't leave A block until lunchtime today. It was dreary and wet, and the lab seemed like a perfectly acceptable place to camp out all morning. Lunchtime was also choir, which I attended even though I have a cold so I probably put a few people off. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. We didn't spend the whole rehearsal giggling at Rob announcing that he was going to ''bring us off'' at a certain part of the song, nor did we even really laugh at any bizarre noises he made (Aiden can vouch for me when I say that's often more frequent than any singing at our rehearsals), but we sung and we felt productive.

Fern and I had a pretty miserable drive home, too. We established that we both have (quite bad) road rage, as indicated by Fern beginning the day by referring to another driver as ''an irritating little cretin'' and ending the day by making odd noises at the car in front - who clearly hadn't understood that 40mph does not mean 25mph... Still, it's always easier to laugh at something when there's someone laughing with you.

We were out of college early, and I also felt the need to 'bake' when I got in. I put Timmy the Dog on my phone (it may be known by Feeters and nobody else, but that album is so good - especially Nothing Changes and Poetry in a Lovesong) and I danced about the kitchen in a syrupy cloud of icing sugar, fully basking in the pure freedom that seldom occurs in a family home. I didn't really bake. I took the cheater's way out and glued together a bunch of rich tea biscuits. The glue? Icing and Nutella. I am yet to taste them, but they look pretty damn cute anyway.

And now I'm sitting at my laptop and writing. I have that feet-tapping, can't-sing-because-somebody's-home-now feeling that comes from good music and a noticeable sense of contentment. That, and I have the amusing experience of iTunes shuffle selecting two songs about water, one after the other, both by the incredible Josh Groban.

Rainy days? Yeah, they're not so bad after all. 

I'm going to leave you in the capable hands of Mat Kearney's Fire and Rain for today. 

"Do you ever think about me? Do you ever call my name? Ask me now I'll give you the reasons, my love will not fade. Through the fire and rain, the fire and rain..."


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